Build & Run


Wormhole can be built on both Linux and Mac OS X. Some apps are also tested on Windows. To build wormhole, both git and a recent C++ compiler supporting C++11, such as g++ >= 4.8 and clang >= 3.5, are required. Install them on

  1. Ubuntu >= 13.10:

    $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git
  2. Older version Ubuntu via ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test:

  3. Centos via devtoolset

  4. Mac OS X: can either use the clang provided by command line tools or download a compiled gcc from


Type make to build all apps. It may take several minutes for the first time due to building all dependencies such as gflags. There are several options for advanced usages.

make xgboost
selectively builds xgboost. Similarly for linear, difactor, ...
make -j4
uses 4 threads for parallel building. For the first building, we suggest to build deps and apps separately: make deps -j4 && make -j4
make CXX=g++-4.9
uses a different compiler
make DEPS_PATH=your_path
changes the path of the deps. In default all deps will be installed on wormhole/deps. We can change the path if them are installed on another place.
make USE_HDFS=1
supports read/write HDFS. It requires libhdfs, which is often installed with Hadoop. Apparently Cloudera only ships static version of libhdfs. Hortonworks includes the shared version but not in the lib/native folder. Used ldconfig etc to point compiler, linker and runtime to correct location.
make USE_S3=1
supports read/write AWS S3. libcurl4-openssl-dev is required, it can be installed via sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev on Ubuntu
make dmlc=<dmlc_core_path>
in order to run XGBOOST in distributed mode on YARN. Combine with USE_HDFS=1.


Wormhole runs both in a laptop and in a cluster. A typical command to run a application:

$ tracker/ -n num_workers [-s num_servers] app_bin app_conf
the tracker provided by dmlc-core to launch jobs on various platforms
number of workers
number of servers. Only required for parameter server applications
the binary of the application, which is available under bin/
the text configuration file specifying dataset and learning method, see each app’s documents for details

Local machine

The following command runs linear logistic regression using two workers and a single server on a small dataset:

$ tracker/ -n 2 -s 1 bin/linear.dmlc learn/linear/guide/demo.conf

Apache Yarn

First make sure the environments HADOOP_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set properly. Next compile the Yarn tracker:

$ cd repo/dmlc-core/yarn && ./

Then a Yarn job can be submitted via tracker/ For example, the following codes run xgboost on Yarn


hadoop fs -mkdir ${hdfs_path}/data
hadoop fs -put learn/data/agaricus.txt.train ${hdfs_path}/data
hadoop fs -put learn/data/agaricus.txt.test ${hdfs_path}/data

tracker/  -n 4 --vcores 2 bin/xgboost.dmlc \
  learn/xgboost/mushroom.hadoop.conf nthread=2 \
  data=hdfs://${hdfs_path}/data/agaricus.txt.train \
  eval[test]=hdfs://${hdfs_path}/data/agaricus.txt.test \

Run tracker/ -h for more details.

Sun Grid Engine

Use tracker/


Wormhole can be run over multiple machines via mpirun, which is often convenient for a small cluster. Assume file hosts stores the hostnames of all machines, then use:

$ tracker/ -n num_workers -s num_servers -H hosts bin conf

to launch wormhole on these machines. See next section for an example to setup a cluster with mpirun.

Setup an EC2 Cluster from Scratch

In this section we give a tutorial to setup a small cluster and launch wormhole jobs on Amazon EC2.

  1. Assume all data are stored Amazon S3.
  2. Use a middle range instance as the master node to build wormhole and submit jobs, and several high end instances to do the computations.
  3. Use NFS to dispatch binaries and configurations and mpirun to launch jobs.

Setup the master node

First launch an Ubuntu 14.04 instance as the master node. It is mainly used for compiling codes, a middle end instance such as c4.xlarge is often good enough. Install required libraries via:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libcurl4-openssl-dev

Then build wormhole with S3 support:

$ git clone
$ cd wormhole && make deps -j4 && make -j4 USE_S3=1

Next setup NFS:

$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server mpich2
$ echo "/home/ubuntu/  *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check)" | sudo tee /etc/exports
$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server start

Finally copy the pem file used to access the master node to master node’s ~/.ssh/id_rsa so that this node can access to all other machines.

Setup the slave nodes

First launch several Ubuntu 12.04 instances with the same pem file as the slaves nodes. High-end instances such as c4.4xlarge and c4.8xlarge are recommended. Save their private IPs in file hosts:

$ cat hosts

Then install both NFS and mpirun on these slave nodes. Assume the master node has private IP

while read h; do
  echo $h
  ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $h <<'ENDSSH'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nfs-common mpich2
sudo mount /home/ubuntu
done <hosts

Next install depended libraries on all slave nodes:

$ mpirun -hostfile hosts sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev

Put all things together

Test if everything is OK:

$ mpirun -hostfile hosts uname -a
$ mpirun -hostfile hosts ldd wormhole/bin/linear.dmlc

Now we can submit jobs from the master node via:

$ wormhole/tracker/ -n ? -s ? -H hosts wormhole/bin/? ?.conf